Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Discover Darwin Now - exhibition opens in Bangalore

''A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life,'' so said Father of Evolution — Charles Robert Darwin. Feteing the bicentennial birth anniversary of the celebrated English naturalist and founding father of controversial Origin of Species theory, country’s Science City, is hosting a 15-day long Darwin Now Exhibition.

Speaking to Deccan Herald, British Library Manager Charu Sapra, said the idea behind bringing the globally travelling fair to India’s Silicon City was to inculcate an interest, and kindle a revival of scientific spirit, not only among City’s young adults, but equally among its larger highly erudite diaspora.

Darwin Now, she said, is a stunning exhibition created by British Council to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book ‘On the Origin of Species’.

The exhibition explores the origins of Darwin’s book, outlines his central ideas and explains how those ideas are as important to us today as they were when they were first published.

Yes, nearly, 150 years ago — One man, and one book, came to symbolise the new biology of evolution, whose seminal study on the workings of nature and the variety of life re-imagined the ways that underlie all modern biology.

Further, Sapra said, the educative fair is aimed at walking students of various schools and colleges, as also others keen on pursuing science, through different facets of the scientist and the thesis he propounded and indirectly help in catalysing science education in the portals of various education in India and world.

The exhibits, with attractively designed posters seek to address Who was Charles Darwin? Why was he so controversial? Why is he still relevant today? and help explore his exciting world through interactive materials as people go through the discover Darwin now programme.
It explores the origins of Darwin’s book, outlines his central ideas, and explains how they remain at the core of contemporary research in biology and medicine till date.

Darwin Now is an international programme which investigates evolutionary theory and the influence that Darwin has made on our society, Sapra pointed out. As British Council Director Science Dr Lloyd Anderson succinctly put it: the Darwin Now exhibition is both colourful and interactive, to be enjoyed by children and adults. Each panel tells its own story. These activities are designed for teachers and facilitators to help students to look at the world around them and to see how Darwin’s legacy lives on today.

While first leg of the exhibition is at The Forum, Hosur Road till October 26, the second leg shifts to Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, T Chowdiah Road and will be on till November 2, 2009, Sapra said.
Darwin Now Exhibition Caravan, she said, will then chug on to Ahmedabad, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, right through the year into the New Year. Yes, celebrate life, evolution and discover Darwin Now.

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